There are lots of ways to get involved in supporting our work whether that is through making a donation, leaving a legacy, attending one of our events or undertaking a challenge. Your support will be invaluable to us and will allow us to broaden our supporter base, raise much-needed funds and increase awareness of our work. Ultimately this will mean we can reach more families in our community who need to access our specialist care.

If you think you could help us in any way, read on and get in touch with us by emailing Julie - she will be delighted to hear from you.

Take on a challenge

You could join in with our annual sponsored Relay 100 walks taking place all over Essex and East London in May and June each year, or you could go further afield to do a trek in Peru, the London to Paris bike ride, or a skydive. We would love to support you in whatever challenge you would like to undertake - if you have an idea let us know.

Hold a fundraising event

You could host a coffee morning, organise a golf day or a curry night and hold a fundraising raffle.

Support our events

Check out our events diary and see what you'd like to support. We love to meet new people at our regular events such as our Ladies' Lunches in June and December - why not come along to our next one?

Get involved on social media

If you use social media, you can also help us by increasing awareness about what we do - share our posts on Facebook bccscharity and 'like' our posts on Instagram bccs_charity and Twitter @bccs_charity

For other ways you can help support us, please read on: