Our training team is experienced in delivering in-house training to whole school bodies. The team has grown and, as a result, we are now able to provide a holistic and comprehensive training and support package.
We are confident that you will find something to suit your needs within the package we offer; we support school staff through training, supervision and consultation, as well as pupils and parents through workshops around some common issues.
This joined-up approach allows us to respond to the needs of the child while also understanding those needs from the home and school perspective.
If you have any queries regarding our training packages, please email Catherine, our Head of School Services, who will be happy to help.

Audience: Parents/carers
We know that adolescence can be an incredibly difficult time, not just for teenagers but also for their parents.
It is a period of enormous change, presenting multiple challenges and pressures as well as affording many opportunities. For parents, it can feel like they are entering uncharted territory; their child’s changing behaviour can seem unpredictable, distant and uncommunicative one minute, demanding and “needy” the next. It can be a confusing and somewhat lonely time, leaving parents struggling to know how to support their child.
This workshop will inform, encourage and support parents in exploring some of the following:
- What goes on in our brain during adolescence, both physically and psychologically, and how this affects behaviour.
- How acknowledging the challenges for themselves can help parents to understand and be attentive to their teen’s needs.
- Effective strategies parents can use to improve communication with their teen as they negotiate their changing relationship.
Please note, there is no limit on numbers for this workshop.
If you would like further information, please email Catherine.

As a parent, seeing your child struggle with distress and anxiety can be very worrying, leaving you feeling helpless and unsure how to support them.
We know that increasing numbers of children are showing signs of anxiety, through sometimes challenging behaviour. This 1-hour face to face workshop offers parents support and encouragement, by exploring:
- What anxiety is and how it expresses itself in children.
- How children develop their sense of safety and resilience.
- Practical ways parents can provide support when a child is feeling overwhelmed.
Please note, there is no limit on attendees for this workshop.
If you would like further information about this workshop, please email Catherine.

This 90 minute workshop explores how schools can effectively support children and young people after a bereavement.
Children and young people grieve somewhat differently from adults. As a result, it can be challenging to know how best to support them as they process their loss and navigate powerful feelings of grief, which can express itself in a wide range of ways.
This can lead to us feeling de-skilled and anxious about saying the “wrong” thing and “making it worse” for them.
Through a balance of information and interaction, this workshop explores the grief process and its effect on children and young people, particularly in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The workshop is suitable for both primary and secondary school delivery and is designed to develop staff skills and confidence around this difficult but pressing topic.
Feedback from schools has been wholly positive:
Very informative and [the workshop] was delivered brilliantly to members of school staff.
Good references for further support, some of which I had not heard of.
Good chance to discuss case studies and what we would do and hear a range of opinions from people of different roles in the school.
For further details, please email Louise Picton.

Target Audience - Primary Schools
This 3-hour workshop can be tailored to school requirements and delivered in two twilight sessions or as a half-day inset.
It explores the unconscious communications children and young people can engage us in, which often leave us feeling de-skilled, unsure or stressed.
We will specifically explore the issue of generational mental health and how a child’s experiences to date can determine their ability to manage the school environment, and those relationships within it.
We will look at attachment theory with a view to understanding how some children find it exceptionally hard or challenging to form healthy attachments and what they do when they can’t.
We look at classroom and parental attachment presentations with a view to naming what it is the school staff are managing and trying to support.
This workshop is experiential in nature and attendees will benefit from interaction and an open dialogue with the presenter.
For further information, please email Louise Picton.
Very well prepared and informative. A calm presentation style that made us all think.
I feel more confident to be effective in approaching different needs of children.
Excellent course. Highly recommend to other colleagues who work within schools or other child-centred professions.

Target Audience - Secondary Schools
This is a three hour workshop written solely with the aim to support secondary staff in understanding the complexity of an adolescent’s unconscious processes.
We do this with the aim of empowering staff to be aware of what it is they are managing day to day, to allow adolescents to be more fully understood and to help prevent burn-out in staff.
Children and young people have a way of engaging us in complex processes, entirely without agenda, awareness or motivation. As adults in positions of authority who are keen to help, support achievement and foster relationships, we bear the brunt of a child or young person’s presentation, and tend to carry that and digest those feelings as if they were our own.
The workshop looks to explore all of that, interactively and experientially and within a psychoanalytic framework.
For further information, please email Louise Picton.
Best, most useful training I have ever attended after 34 years teaching!
An outstanding inset day that will inform the future development of our pastoral care.
This was the most useful mental health training I have been to.